A tranny emoticon

I have a friend, she lives in Cancun and knows every club in the hotel zone. She wants to take me clubbing with her because she thinks that I am hot and she believes that I can get her to enter more easily into places of difficult access for no so pretty girls like her. She is clueles about me being a tranny and I dont really know I should tell her…or should I? There is always the same conundrum for every tranny out there eh?

I still have not figured how to do the emoticon of a shemale…I need the trannypipe and the piece that connects the balls with the shecock. I’ve got this so far $:)-8–: (I DONT HAVE THE COCK YET), so that’s the face, the neck, the boobs, the torso, the balls (rather smalls) and I am still working in the rest ;)…I also need arms and legs. Any help will be appreciated

Have a nice week.

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  1. ohh that is cool i have been to cancun, I would say just take the chance and go clubbing you know enjoy life, and mhmm let me see if I can help you with that emoticon

    *:-}8[:-= you have the face the boobs the arms, the small balls lol and cock and the legs

    • Awww…I love the little clip you put on my hair over the left eye LOL. You should be a designer. The cock is rahter small though…be more generous, make it double!!!! XOXOXOXOXO

  2. hahahah thankss, I was just thinking what would make it more like a girl so the bow was perfect… lol and ofcourse I guess I will make the cock double jejej *:-}8[:–=

    like that? lmaooo. So where are you from Claudia?

    • shhhhhhhhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone my real name. Let’s keep it as Keira, shall we? 🙂
      I’m Brazilian-Colombian… I know, tough mix!

      • hahaha okay lets keep it as Keira 😉 I promise not to tell anyone it will just be our secret jeje, so how is everything going? Did you go on that cruise already or not yet? and haha fo real!! you are colombian and brazilian wowww awesome mixx!! haha If you want I will tell you also my real name and where I am from =)just write to me to interguy123@aol.com lol

  3. hai,
    how you doing this is hemachandar from india i had seen ur photos that’s really awesome. ur ar doing a great job. ur really in a good femine. i like to meet u when u come to india (banglore). let my dream become true.

    expecting for ur kind reply keira……. bye have a nice day!!!!!!

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