
Boots on or off? When you meet a hot trans girl wearing them and you head straight for bed to fuck. Do you want her to keep them on or take them off? Me personally and looking at the amazing Keira Verga wearing them. I am inclined to say that she should keep them on. To me it just makes it feel hotter and much much sluttier. And I just want more and more. Click here to get it.

But to be honest the first thing I want her to do is model her boots. Walking around the room in some sort of sexy clothing. From there stripping slowly but keeping just those on. Then once she is naked and walking around watch her climb up on the bed and go straight for my cock. And for those of you who do not Kiera. She is very versatile and will top or bottom what ever makes you get off the hardest.

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Can you just imagine her in bed with these on?

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